Here's my blog. Most of this is made up.


Nothing much going on. zzz ZZZ zzz... (sleeping)


Happy New Year, hope it's cool this time or something.


Merry Christmas!!


Realized im more addicted to my phone and dopamine than i thought. Fucked something up and it gave me a big rush of stress and anxiety, but almost felt good in a way. The fuckup is a direct result of my own apathy that has been particularly strong the past couple weeks. so ive decided to replace the phone with somethin a lil more sociable, a lil more yummy. bought my first pack of weed from the dispensary - feeling blessed i only have to be 18 to get dope, and i bought this cute little weed pipe next door to the weed store. me and my chinese room mate are getting up early to go take a walk, stretch our legs, and hit the herb - leaving the phones at home of course. right so i was expecting this combo of weed and cardio to boost my creativity, but im just collpasing back into bed when i get back to the dorm room and what do you know? looking at my phone. It's sooooo addictive!! really happy to have you guys to sound off these thoughts on or i might LOSE it during FINALS week!! My parents called and said don't worry if I fail a class, freshman years at art colleges are NOTORIOUSLY stressful - looking forward to smoking more weed later, just trying to relax and let things be - a quote I saw recently that I'm trying to internalize; "memento mori", it means "seize the day" in spanish, has really been helping me out